Lectures and Presentations
List of Lectures and Presentations
"Good Judges, Bad Judges: Judicial Independence and Judicial Responsibility": Lecture at Ottawa Law School: March 2017. |
"Ethics in Arbitration: Party and Arbitral Misconduct": CIArb International Arbitration Masterclass: November 2016. |
"The Common Law Concepts of Penalties and Liquidated Damages: Is the Problem Resolved?": Lecture at Ottawa Law School, Canada: February 2016. |
"Justice Challenged: the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four": Talk to SCA Members, London: September 2015. |
"The Influence of the British Constitution on the Constitution of Canada": Lecture at Ottawa Law School, Canada: February 2015. |
"The US/UK Extradition Treaty 2003: Balanced or Imbalanced?": Chairman of Panel at the Global Law Summit, London: February 2015. |
"Lessons in Alternative Dispute Resolution": CIArb 'Back to Our Roots' Centenary Conference, Birmingham: January 2015. |
"From Cambridge into the Law and the World of Arbitration": Cambridge Lecture at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators: June 2014. |
"1834: The Burning Down of Parliament": Talk to CCUA Members: House of Lords, London: March 2014. |
"The Rule of Law and the Independence of the Judiciary": Lecture at Wuhan University Law School, Wuhan, Peoples' Republic of China: December 2013. |
"From the Birth of Advocacy to Advocacy in International Arbitration": CIETAC Lecture at Renmin University of China: Beijing, Peoples' Republic of China: November 2013. |
"The US Budget Crisis: Its Impact on America and on the World": Chair of Panel: ABA International Law Section Meeting, London: October 2013. |
"The Great Reform Act 1832": Address to Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellows, Reform Club, London: September 2013. |
"Your Place or Mine? Venues for Mediation": ABA International Law Section Meeting, Washington DC: April 2013. |
"The Scandal of Delay in the Issue of Arbitral Awards": Talk at Arbitration Club Luncheon, London: March 2013. |
"Meeting Crises in Arbitration Practice: Cases of Jivraj v Hashwani (UK Supreme Court) and Titan Maritime v Cape Flattery (US Court of Appeals for 9th Circuit)": Talk to CIDRA, Chicago, USA: April 2012. |
"Extra Territorial Judicial Jurisdiction": Address to ABA International Law Section Meeting, New York: April 2012. |
"Common Law versus Civil Law: Cultural Divide or Convergence": DIS/CIArb Conference, Frankfurt: October 2010. |
"Anti-Suit Injunctions: West Tankers: Where did the UK Go Wrong?": Talk at the KLRCA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: January 2010. |
"English Arbitration Law: From Where to Where?": Talk at International Centre for Dispute Resolution, New York, USA: December 2008. |
"Dealing with Misbehaving Parties in International Arbitrations": Talks to Singapore and Malaysian Institutes of Arbitration: October 2007. |
"Coping with Cultural Differences in International Arbitration": Chairman of Panel in ABA International Law Section Meeting, London: October 2007. |
"To mediate or to arbitrate: That is the question" : Vilnius University Pan European Mediation Conference: Vilnius, Lithuania: May 2007. |
"The Important Procedural Steps in Arbitration" : Panel Discussion at APRAG Conference in Hong Kong; December 2006. |
"Dealing with Misbehaving Arbitrators" : Address to ABA International Law Section in Miami, USA: November 2006. |
"Further Considerations on the Selection and Appointment of Arbitrators" : Address to Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators: February 2006. |
"The Modern World of International Arbitration" : Lecture at SOAS, London University: June 2005 |
"The Conflict: Investor Protection and the Arbitration Process" : IBA Conference San Francisco, USA, 2003. |
"Did You Nominate the Right Arbitrator?" : Salzburg, Austria, 2000. |
"Delivering Results in Dispute Resolution" : Mansion House, London, England, 2000. |
"Did you Get the Right Arbitrator?" : Chicago, USA, 1999. |
"The Statutory Erosion of the Duty of Confidentiality under English Law" : Cambridge, England, 1999. |
"Arbitral Appointments under The Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Arbitration Centre, the ICC and the LCIA" : IBA Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 1999. |
"Arbitration Law Reform in Europe" : Cancun, Mexico, 1999. |
"How to be an Effective Arbitrator - the Do's and Don'ts" : Salzburg, Austria, 1998. |
"Rule of Costs Under the UK 1996 Arbitration Act" : London, 1997. |
"The Development of International Arbitration and the Model Law" : London, 1996. |
"Computer Litigation: Class Actions" : London, 1993. |
"Data Protection Law in the EC" : Oxford, 1993. |
"The Government's Proposals for the Selected List Scheme and the Future of the NHS" : London, 1993. |
"The New Insider Dealer Legislation: The Practical Implications" : London, 1992. |
"Pharmaceuticals and the Law: Class Actions" : Canadian High Commission, London, 1992. |
"Prevention of Money Laundering: The Role of Government" : Milan, Italy, 1992. |
"The Ever-Increasing Exposure of the Professional to Liability" : Nottingham, 1992 |
"Changes in Europe 1992 and The Eastern European Dimension" : Miami, 1991. |
"The Consequences of the EC Single Market for the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Political Dimension" : Interlaken, Switzerland, 1991. |
"The Latent Damage Act 1986 and its Impact on Professional Liability" : London, 1987. |
"Today's Target: The Professions" : Auckland, New Zealand, 1986. |
"Where are we Now: A Review of English Arbitration Law in the Wake of the UK Arbitration Act 1979" : London, 1985. |
"The 'Case Stated' Abolished: the United Kingdom Arbitration Act of 1979" : London and New York, USA, 1980. |
"The Ever-Increasing Extraterritorial Impact of US Laws: A Cause For Concern" : New York, USA, 1978. |
"Neglecting the Virtues of the Common Law" : New York, USA, 1976. |
"The Verdict of the Jury" : New York, USA, 1975. |