Articles on Arbitration
“Any grouping of professionals which becomes exclusive will tend to operate…against the arrival of new persons into its ranks – in the case of arbitration against the arrival into its ranks of new arbitrators…with new ideas and fresh approaches. Ultimately, this limits the choice of the [users of arbitration]…Not only is it in the interests of all parties,….whom international arbitrators serve, not to have barriers which limit choice but also…it is positively good… have new arbitrators…with new methods…to help the arbitration process to be more expeditious and less costly.”
A Selection of Published Arbitration Articles
"Ethics in Arbitration: Party and Arbitral Misconduct" : with Sophia Berry: Defining Issues in International Arbitration: Oxford University Press, 2016. |
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"An Attempt at an Innovative Arbitral Solution"; Essays in Honour of Hans van Houtte: Hart Publishing Ltd (Sept 2012) |
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"Remembering the Year of 1985"; The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Vol 77 No 2 (April 2011) |
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"Arbitration is Only as Good as its Arbitrators"; Synergy, Convergence and Evolution: Liber Amicorum for Eric Bergsten: Kluwer Law International (March 2011) |
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"The Story of the Arbitration Act 1979"; The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Vol 76 No 1 (February 2011) |
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"The 23rd Edition of 'Russell on Arbitration' " : International Arbitration Law Review, Vol 11 Issue 5 (October 2008) |
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"Can Mediation Become International?" : IBA Mediation Newsletter Vol 3 No 2 (Dec 2007) |
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"GAFTA and the Legal Profession" : GAFTAWORLD Issue 165 (April 2007) |
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"Arbitration Challenges: Theirs is to Reason Why" : Global Arbitration Review Vol 1 Issue 6 (December 2006) |
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"The Case against Arbitration Ex-parte Interim Relief" : American Arbitration Association Dispute Resolution Journal (August 2003) |
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"Dispute Resolution in London" : The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Vol. 66. No 3 (August 2000). |
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"Well, Did You Get the Right Arbitrator?" : Mealey's International Arbitration Report, Vol. 15, No. 6 (June 2000). |
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"Did You Nominate the Right Arbitrator?" : Salzburg, Austria (June 2000).[Not published] |
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"Arbitration Law Reform in Europe" : The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Vol. 65, No. 3 (August 1999). |
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"Ethics, Elitism, Eligibility: A Response - What Happens if the Icelandic Arbitrator Falls Through the Ice?" : Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 15, No. 4 (December 1998). |
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"The Effective Arbitrator" : International Arbitration Law Review, Vol. 1, Issue 7 (November 1998). |
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"Towards More Cost Effective Arbitration" (with Michael Schneider) : International Bar Association Newsletter - 'Arbitration and A.D.R.', Vol. 3, No. 1 (April 1998). |
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"The 21st Edition of 'Russell on Arbitration'" : International Arbitration Law Review, Vol.1 Issue 2 (February 1998) |
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"Arbitration Law Reform: The Impact of the UNICITRAL Model Law on the English Arbitration Act 1996" : The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Vol. 63, No. 4 (November 1997). |
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"Where are we Now: A Review of English Arbitration Law in the Wake of the UK Arbitration Act 1979" : The Journal of International Law, Vol 2 No 4 (December 1985) |
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"The 'Case Stated' Abolished: the United Kingdom Arbitration Act of 1979" : The International Lawyer, 1980. |
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